
Commemorative Conference: Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of Pedro Rabassa’s Treatise (1720-2020)

Music Learning Through Treatises: 300th Anniversary of Pedro Rabassa’s Guía para los principiantes [Beginner’s Guide] (1720-2020)

Valencia, 18-20th November 2020


Different aspects of music learning and teaching have interested teachers for a long time, and so it has become evident in their treatises and books, which they wrote so that their students were able to better learn the ever-changing internal “rules” and guidelines of music through history.

On the occasion of the Celebration of the 300th anniversary of Rabassa’s manuscript for the treatise “Guia / Para los Principiantes, / Que dessean Perfeycionarse en / la Compossicion de las Musica / compuesta / Por el Lizenciado Pedro Rabassa / Presbitero, Mro, de Capilla en la / S,ta Metropolitana Iglesia de la Ciu- / dad de Valencia Año de 1720 / Y desde, el año de 1724 / Mro. De Capilla en la S.ta Metropo- / litana y Patriarchal de Sevilla / Asta el año de 1767″, this conference wants to publicize hispanic theoretical treatises from the first half of the 18th century, and reflect on their contributions not only to their contemporaries, but also to the present day.

Truth is, combining music theory and practical learning is not an easy task nowadays, nor has it ever been. That is why we must reflect and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the current ways of learning music as well as those from the past, for which we will travel back 300 years following Rabassa’s treatise.

This conference is organized by TEMPUS Center for Musical Research and Outreach, in partnership with Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives (IUCIE) de la Universitat de València, Centre del Carme, Consell Valencià de Cultura, CSIC’s Historical Sciences (Musicology) Department, and RISM-Spain Work Group. The international scientific committee includes prestigious researches from Europe and Latin America, including Dr. Rosa Isusi (UV), Dr. Antonio Ezquerro (CSIC), Prof. Ramiro Albino (Capilla del Sol), Dr. Miriam Escudero (Oficina del Historiador de Cuba), and Dr. Manuel del Sol (Salamanca University). 


Deadline to send original texts to be published within the Conference book is January 31st 2021. Presenting in the conference does not mean that the proposal will be published, since the Scientific Committee will review texts and look out for quality, originality, and scientific accuracy in them. Shortly after the conference participants will receive an email with the requirements and instructions for submitting their manuscripts.


The conference included nine panel presentations, three round tables, a concert cycle comprising Rabassa’s repertoire, and paper presentations. It took place both in person and online, so that all participants were able to attend.


  1. Archives to Concerts: Theoretical treatises and their contributions to correct interpretations of musical sources
  2. Pedro Rabassa’s Guide for Beginners and other hispanic 18th-century theoretical treatises 
  3. From theory to practice in music, status quo
  4. Old and new models of music teaching from a contemporary perspective 


Doubts or questions can be send to the organization via email to

This conference is supported by:

This Commemorative Conference: Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of Pedro Rabassa’s Treatise (1720-2020) has been made possible by the generous support and public funding of Institut Valencià de Cultura – Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana, which have awarded 12.741 € for this activity.